Author Guidelines


Formatting, categories of papers and manuscript length

Authors must follow the submission instructions strictly. The manuscripts that do not comply with instructions will be rejected without review.
Manuscript should be written using MS Word and submitted as .doc or .docx files.
The paper format should be A4, font Times New Roman (11pt), line spacing 1.0 and all margins should be set at 2,5 cm. Footnotes should be typed using Times New Roman (10pt), line spacing 1.0.
Please do not apply any special formatting to titles, chapters, subchapters, or any other structural elements. The formatting will be done by the Editorial Office in accordance with the journal’s page layout.
If appropriate, authors should specify the project code and funders (if the manuscript is a result of a research project) and similar comments.
Paragraphs should be indented and not separated with blank lines. Double quotation marks should be used to mark quotes in the text, and single quotation marks to mark quotes within quotes.

The following text length limits:
• up to 35.000 characters without spaces (original research papers);
• up to 50.000 characters without spaces (review articles);
• up to 15.000 characters without spaces (preliminary reports, critical reviews and discussions, reviews and book reports, bibliographies, notes on scientific meetings etc.).

In specific cases, the Editorial Board could accept longer papers.

The cover page of a manuscript should contain the following information: the title, authors’ full names (first name, middle name initials (if applicable), family names), affiliations (including address, city and country), and emails. In case of more than one author, the name of the corresponding author should be highlighted.
The structure of the manuscript may include chapters and subchapters. Apart from the cover page, a manuscript should be divided into the following ordered sections: title, abstract, keywords, the text of the manuscript (introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion), list of references and summary.

Title should be clear, up to 15 words.
Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords are listed in a separate line at the end of the abstract. There should be five keywords provided.
The text of the manuscript should have the following structure – Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions (not necessarily under these names). Exceptionally, the Results and Discussion of the manuscript can be combined in a single section labeled Results and Discussion.
Depending on the type of the manuscript, it is possible to omit some of the sections. For example, in a review article, it is possible to omit sections on methods and results, while scientific criticism or polemics may include only sections on the motives of work, specific research problems and discussion. The Discussion along with the Conclusion may cover up to 30% of the article, but in any case, the two sections together should not be shorter than the Introduction.

Summary should follow the structure of the manuscript (2,000-3,000 characters without spaces), representing a short version of the paper. It should be placed after the list of references Keywords are listed in a separate line at the end of the extended summary.

As far as reviews and book reports, bibliographies, notes on scientific meetings, etc., they do not have to meet any special requirements except for the technical ones, which also apply to other types of contributions.

Tables, graphs, diagrams, images and illustrations should be supplied with appropriate captions, numbers and accompanying explanations. Images, drawings and other illustrations should be of good quality. All graphic images must be submitted in an electronic format at the minimum resolution of 600 dpi for line art, and 300 dpi for photos. The graphic images also must be provided as separate TIF, PDF, JPEG or JPG files.
In certain cases, the Editorial Office may assume a more flexible approach to these requirements, and the right to adjust the layout of the text and illustrations to the standard layout of the journal.

The submitted materials are not returned to authors.

Uniform citation style

In-text citations include the author’s name and publication year of a particular bibliographic entry are given in parentheses as follows:

• A direct citation of a reference: Obermeyer (1997);
• An indirect citation of a reference: (Petitt, 2013);
• In case of two authors: (Coale & Watkins, 1986);
• In case of more than three authors: (Cordell et al., 2011);
• When two or more papers by the same author are cited together: (Coleman, 2005; 2012);
• If several bibliographic entries belong to the same author and have the same publication year, lowercase letters of the alphabet are added. (Rosental, 2006a; 2006b);
• In case of citeing several bibliographic entries of different authors: (Crimmins, 1993; Greenhalgh, 1996; Kretzer & Ariel, 2002);
• References following direct quotations: ’’Censuses are, after all, generally viewed as matters of bureaucratic routine, somewhat unpleasant necessities of the modern age, a kind of national accounting.’’ (Kretzer & Ariel, 2002, 31);
• In case of citeting a republished or translated paper, it should appear with both dates in text: (Poutignat & Streiff-Fenart, 1995/1997).

Entries from online databases are cited in the text like other references, and in the reference list, the reference should be accompanied with an URL and the date of access.

Footnotes (notes) at the bottom of the page should include less important details, additional explanations, citations of used sources (such as unpublished materials, websites, manuals, etc.) but they cannot substitute the list of references. Citations in footnotes shall conform to the same format as in-text citations.

Bibliographic citations in the reference list

References shall be cited in the language in which they were published. The list of references shall only include papers that are cited in the text. The references in the bibliography (list of references) at the end of a paper are listed in the order of the alphabet according to the author’s surname, including all names of authors, but without numbering. In case of citing more than one reference of the same author, the most recent work is listed first.

Examples of different types of references:

Books, monographs:

– One Author:
Petit, V. (2013). Counting Populations, Understanding Societies ‒ Towards an Interpretative Demography. Dordrecht: Springer.

– Two Authors:
Coale, A. J. & Watkins, S. C. (1986). The decline of fertility in Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

– Edited Book, No Authors:
Kretzer, D. & Fricke, T. (Eds.). (1997). Anthropological demography. Toward a new synthesis. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press.

– Multivolume Paper:
Wiener, P. (Ed.). (1973). Dictionary of the history of ideas (Vols. 1-4). New York, NY: Scribner’s.

– A Translation:
Poutignat, P. & Streiff-Fenart, J. (1997). Teorije o etnicitetu (Théories de l’ethnicité, A. Mimica, Prev.). Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek. (Original paper published in 1995).

– Corporate Author, Author as Publisher:
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. (2012). Natural changes of population in the Republic of Serbia, 1960-2010. Belgrade: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

– Electronic Book (Open Access):
Hartmann, M. (2009). Demographic Methods for the Statistical Office. Retrieved from

– Payable Electronic Book:
Swanson, A. D. (Ed.). (2017). The Frontiers of Applied Demography. Available from

Article or Chapter in Monographs, Editetd Books or Proceedings:

Coleman, D. (2012). The Changing Face of Europe. In: Goldstone, A. J., Kaufmann, P. E. & Duffy Toft, M. (Eds.), Political Demography. How Population Changes Are Reshaping International Security and National Politics (pp.176–193). New York: Oxford University Press.
Blum, A. (2002). Resistance to identity categorization in France. In Kertzer, I. D. & Arel, D. (Eds.), Census and Identity. The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Language in National Censuses (pp. 121‒147). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Articles in Printed and Online Journals:

– Article in Print Journals:
Obermeyer, C. M. (1997). Qualitative methods: A key to a better understanding of demographic behavior?. Population and Development Review, 24(4), 813-818.

– Article from an Online Journals with DOI Assigned:
Hertrich, V. & Lardoux, S. (2014). Âge à l’entrée en union des femmes en Afrique. Les données des enquêtes et des recensements sont-elles comparables?. Population, 69(3), 357-389. doi:10.3917/popu.1403.0399.

– Article from an Online Journals with no DOI Assigned:
Brée, S., Eggerickx, T., Sanderson, J.P. & Costa, R. (2016). Comparison of Retrospective Fertility Data from Censuses in Belgium and Family Surveys in France. Population, 71(1), 83-115. Retrieved from–comparison-of-retrospective-fertility.htm


Hodgson, D. (2011). (Review of the book Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century autora Kaufmann, E.). Population and Development Review, 37(4), 793–795.

Research Reports, Working Papers:

Lesthaeghe, R. J. & Neidert, L. (2006). “The ’Second Demographic Transition’ in the U.S.: Spatial Patterns and Correlates” (Research report in Population Studies Center Research Report No. 06-592). Retrieved from
Renne, E. (1994). An anthropological approach to fertility change (Working papers in Demography, No. 48). Canberra: The Australian National University.


– Unpublished Dissertation/Thesis:
Last name, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution, Location.

– Dissertation/Thesis from a Database:
Last name, F. N. (Year). Title of dissertation. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order Number).

Papper Discussed in a Secondary Source:

Give the secondary source in the References List. In the text, name the original paper, and give a citation for the secondary source.

If Seidenberg and Mc Clelland’s paper is citied in Coltheart et al., and autor did not read the original paper, list the Coltheart, M. et al. reference in the Reference List:
Coltheart, M., Curtis, B., Atkins, P. & Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading aloud: Dual-route and parallel distributed – processing approaches. Psychological Review, 100, 589-608.
In the text, use the following citation: In Seidenberg and McClelland’s study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993)

Newspaper Article:

– Printed Edition:
Jordan, M. (2017, June 19). Welcome for Migrants Reveals a Farm Town Rift. The New York Times, pp. A13

– Online Edition:
Linden, E. (2017, June 15). Remember the Population Bomb? It’s Still Ticking. The New York Times. Retrieved from®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

Data Sets:

Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (2017). Number of population, live births and deaths in the Republic of Serbia, by areas, 2010. (Data file). Retrieved from http://webrzs.stat

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